© 2021 Yussman Special Needs Law
As the parents of two special needs children, Jeff Yussman and his wife, Zoe Ann, know what’s at stake. Jeff’s extensive experience as a special needs and estate planning attorney, matched only by his passion for helping his clients, prompted him to develop a practice dedicated to special needs law.
The team at Yussman Special Needs Law personally understands the unique challenges of caring and planning for a family member with special needs, allowing them to provide holistic and practical advice.
Yussman Special Needs Law frequently works alongside other attorneys to offer advice on complex estate planning and special needs laws. For example, when a family or individual receives a judgment or settlement in a lawsuit, Yussman Special Needs Law will work with the family’s counsel to assure that the payments don’t jeopardize government benefits otherwise due the disabled person. They also have extensive experience serving as neutral or partisan consultants in mediations.
Planning for someone with special needs requires considerations over and beyond those of a typical estate plan. Yussman Special Needs Law’s extensive estate planning experience is an invaluable asset when planning for the future.